Pixel Setup Guides
How to set up Meta Pixel
Welcome to our guide about how to set up a Facebook pixel on your Geeklab campaign. Setting up the pixel is an important step to optimize the campaign and to utilize the landing page view. Users will see a redirecting page for a second before being redirected to the final destination you’ve picked when creating the campaign. When on this page, the pixel will be introduced firing back the landing page event to Facebook. This allows you to optimize your campaigns towards people who click inPopularHow to set up TikTok Pixel
Section 1: Funnel events Before creating a campaign, you need to create a pixel. The first step is to build a funnel event. In this case all you need to do is to have “Click button” as a conversion event. No other actions are needed here. Section 2: Add parameters Select “Event Builder” and de-select the other 2 options available. (https://storage.crisp.chat/useFew readers
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